Monday, August 22, 2011

vinegar and baking soda

I've started a cleaning out.  I'm sure there are better words for it, but cleaning out seem to be the best ones to me.  It's kind of affecting every aspect of my life too.  It started with not drinking so much.  Then it progressed to not using chemicals when I cleaned.  Vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils work amazingly.  So then I decided to quit smoking.  And that's kind of where I am now.  It's not a pretentious thing.  I would never think that everyone should do what I'm doing, because based on my track record, this might not last.  I'm the poster child of unfinished business.

I'm going to be in New Orleans this weekend with Scott, and I'm hoping to do a little thrift shopping to get some inspiration for new stuff that I want to start sewing.  I've been staring at the same old stuff for too long.  I think this new cleaning out is going to be great.

Decisions.  Life is all about decisions.  I don't believe there's good luck or bad luck or any luck really.  It's just choices we make.  There might be a higher power, but I'm not sure.  I guess that might sound like common sense, but I'm kind of teaching myself common sense these days.